Key Features of Blockchain Technology

A blockchain is a digital ledger of transactions protected from hacking and alteration by a network of computers. The technology offers a secure way for individuals to deal directly with each other, without an intermediary like a government, bank, or another third party. Blocks, a growing list of records, are connected through cryptography. Peer-to-peer computer networks independently verify each transaction, time-stamp it, and add it to a growing chain of data. Data cannot be changed once it has been recorded. Let’s have a look at the Features of blockchain technology: 1. Immutable Immutability means that the blockchain is a permanent and unalterable network. Blockchain technology functions through a collection of nodes. 2. Distributed A distributed ledger is one of the important features of blockchains Because In distributed ledger tracking what’s happening in the ledger is easy as changes propagate really fast in a distributed ledger. Every node on the blockchain network...